Friday, November 9, 2012

Is Sneezing a Severe Danger When It Comes to Road Safety?

A Massachusetts woman who crashed her car into the rear of a parked up police vehicle has exclaimed that the calamitous collision was the result of none other than an uncontrollable sneezing fit. The local police released a statement saying that the police car had pulled over to aid another driver who had been the victim of a burst tire. The woman then appeared to have crashed straight into the back of the police car whilst it sat waiting along the highway.
The woman had explained to the police that she had unfortunately failed to keep control of her vehicle due to the fact she was having a sneezing fit and she could not stop. The woman was luckily and fortunately not injured in the accident however the policeman who sat waiting in the parked police car was escorted, as a safety measure, to a nearby hospital.
This is unbelievably not the only time that motorists have blamed sneezing fits for accidents on the road, explaining that it causes them to completely lose the control of their vehicle. A short while ago a mother from Kansas City was killed when she was involved in a collision with another car head on. The driver of the other car claimed that her sneezing had caused her to cross over the centre line.
It seems that there is a never-ending list of things you have to be weary of on the road, especially when you are driving a vehicle and now it seems that something as uncontrollable and small as sneezing is being added to that list.
This seems like a freak accident, however if people believe they are taking the extreme safety option when it comes to driving and theirs and others safety, how can something as natural and common as sneezing be stopped? There is no way to really stop yourself from sneezing, coughing or any of the other daily occurrences your body naturally do. It is understandable, if during a sneezing fit, your hands may come off the wheel, your eyes may blur and you may lost control of your vehicle, this could happen to the most experienced of drivers. The only piece of advice someone could acquire from this is maybe when you feel as though a sneeze may come on, or you begin to sneeze, stopping your vehicle, or pulling over. It sounds ridiculous and trivial but if sneezing really is a cause for accidents on the road, then there really is no other option when it comes to avoiding it.