Thursday, December 1, 2011

CAFE Standards And The Cars We Drive

There has been a lot of concern about the effects of pollution and emissions on our planet and health. The government has been trying to solve this problem for a long time and it looks as if the CAFE regulations is the first step towards the production of vehicles that are more greener and fuel efficient. Auto makers will have to meet deadlines; their fleet of cars will have to reach certain mpg requirements. Violators will be fined.
Don't expect to see SUV's and bigger cars completely eliminated. CAFE is not actually applied to individual car models but to the entire fleet of vehicles. We'll see car companies build more hybrids and efficient cars in order to offset their bigger cars.
Will these new regulations affect the cost of buying a car? We think so. Automotive companies will need to dedicate more funds and hire more experts in order to produce these super efficient cars. The additional cost will be reflected in the vehicle price. As a result, it will be more expensive to make the initial purchase. However, consumers will save in the long run via reduced fuel costs.
Accidents are another concern. It's natural to assume that car companies will make cars lighter; this is probably the most cost effective way of improving mpg. However, lighter cars can be dangerous during car accidents; especially if the other vehicle is a big truck or SUV. The regulations will only apply to new cars. This means we will still have plenty of older big trucks and SUV's on the road. A mix of very compact and big heavy vehicles could be dangerous indeed.
However, it is possible that advanced safety features may offset the weight factor. Cars of today boast a large array of advanced safety features that weren't available ten years ago. We can expect CAFE to prompt auto makers to attempt and build autos that are safe while still meeting the new regulations.
As we all know, luxury brands generally boast V8 engines and are known for their horsepower. How will they meet these requirements? There is talk right now that the current administration will actually make an exemption for luxury car makers even though they won't be able to meet requirements. We can expect the price of luxury autos to rise even further; consumers may have to pay extra for driving a vehicle that doesn't meet the requirements.
Will diesel engines become more popular in the U.S as a result of CAFE? It is very likely. Diesel engines are very efficient but for some reason they have not fared as much success in the States as in Europe. Only time will tell what the long-term effects of CAFE will be on the automotive industry.

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